22 June 2013

Visit to the Sun Temple, Konark

As I entered into the massive Sun temple complex of Konark, my mind was filled with unbounded amaze and at the same time felt very sad for viewing the remaining relics of the heavenly architecture. Through the construction of the Sun temple, studies and vast researches on astronomy, astrology, architecture, and complex mathematics were elegantly displayed with superior craftsmanship. It was more like visiting to a place for open air astronomical study and witnessing a living celestial calendar. The successful applications of such architectural marvels still spell bound the visitors, and gravitate towards the details of depictions, on stone. The world heritage site of highly prestigious Konark Sun temple, Odisha was the universe of masterpieces, and a blend of art and applied science.

Konark Sun Temple,Odisha
The images of culture, vivid impressions of dedicated researches and history could be eye witnessed in the impressive ostentation of fascinating designs and sculptures on the stones of Konark Temple of Odisha. The sea traders of this part of India had their successful trade relations with many countries of the world and the concept of constructing the Sun temple possibly arrived at Konark as a gift of the trade relations.

The spirited horse,Sun Temple,Odhisa 
Several thousand years ago the existence of the Sun temple could be traced in the History of world. The concept of the Sun temple was not unusual, in the ancient civilizations and cultural histories of many countries of the world and as well as in many parts of India, the relentless efforts and vigorous researches of astronomy ,astrology and related mathematics were reflected in these architectures. Historical evidences of the existence of Sun temple could be traced in Rajtarangini, the testimony of Kalhan of Kashmir.

Wheel of Chariot of the Sun,Konark
I kept listening to the stories of myth, constructional aspects, the significance of lions crushing the elephants at the entry gate, significance of the spirited horses of the chariot of the Sun, symbolic wheels of the chariot, and got perplexed by the expressive pictures of history and enliven visualization of culture in flawless artifacts. Every depiction of meaningful designs on the temple wall and the splendid working model of the Sun dial of Konark, were the hidden treasures of knowledge. The silent creatures would comprehensibly and accurately convey the messages of the creator. Apart from the other aspects, the Sun temple has gifted an unfathomable mileage to the Odishi art form. It was like visiting to a modern time more than eight hundred years ago.

The wheels from another angle,Konark,Odhisa
The Sun is considered as great healer and the main planet of the solar system. Marvellously engraved nine planets of the Solar system, in the form of deities were made on a single piece of stone panel and once graced the grandeur of the Sun temple, presently could be seen in a place, adjacent to the complex and were worshipped.

Seven planets of the Solar system,Konark,Odhisa
The temple has suffered numerous marks of destruction and damages of invaders and time compelled the authorities to shift the deities of Konark to a safe place and few artefacts of the Sun temple have been shifted to a museum adjacent to the temple complex. The unique architectural chariot of Sun dragged by the spirited horses was under the threat of huge load of centuries.

16 June 2013

A beautiful morning

Kanchenjunga from Kalimpong
As expected, it was a knocking sound at the door, “See the Kanchanjungha from your window”. In eager haste, got down from bed to remove the curtain and wiped off the dew drops deposited on the glass window. I remained open mouthed to see the snowy mountain peak of Kanchanjungha was glowing with dazzling glamour in the deep blue canvas of stainless morning sky. The Sun was coming out of the curtain of mist blowing the flute of light. With the pleasing warmth of the rising Sun, the message of a Sunny day was conveyed in the air. It was the beginning of an excellent day in the tiny hill town of Kalimpong. The ineffable scenic panorama with the vast composure hijacked my attentions absolutely and I was spell bound by the ostentation of unbounded beauty of generous nature.

the mountains with the messengers of happiness,Kalimpong
The reposed nature was attracting in expressive gesture towards the ostentation of festivity. The drifting clouds were looking like the messengers of happiness, may be exchanging their good wishes with the lush greenery of the hills on their way to disappear in the firmament. Covered under the unstudied dew drops, the opulent rose was like a dozy princess or it was the Mother Nature spattered the dew on her face to awake the little princess. The snowy peak of Kanchanjungha was like smilingly enjoying the morning from afar, resting its chin on the range of mountains. The boundless vision could even be reached to the thin silhouette of a river stream at the bottom of the mountains. In the enliven display of generous serenity in its entirety, where I was totally immersed into the widespread tranquillity to communicate with the messages of silence.

The sleepy princess at Kalimpong
It was quite a nonchalant picture of surrounding with a rare experience of witnessing the beautiful beginning of a day in the Kingdom of unmitigated quietude. In such a pleasing atmosphere, the hypnotic warmth of the serene ambient was attracting to bask in laze. Through the window, I kept staring towards the huge wall of the mountains for hours; passionately with the desire to rediscover our identity in their greatness.

silhouette of a river at Kalimpong 
The memories of an exuberant Sunny morning in Kalimpong, with evanescent clouds kissing the mountains, the sleepy rose under the blanket of dew, memories of the view of lush green forests and the fluvial flow through the mountains will surely bring me the flavour of fresh air and I will always find myself in the ambient of eternal silence.

12 June 2013

The lake with no withered leaves

Sikkim has a number of sacred lakes and has a religious tradition of worshipping the lake. We were on our way to the Khechiopalri Lake, of West Sikkim, also called the heart of Guru Padmasambhav. Guru Padmasambhav, the Buddhist preacher, who introduced the Vajrayana Buddhism and has the highest religious influence among the Tibetan Buddhists. The Khechiopalri Lake, with the shape of a foot impression, was never discovered with any shrivelled leaf on it from any of the surrounding trees. The Buddhists believe that the religiously venerated lake has the power to extricate the sins. It sounds uncanny; to listen to the story of such an upstanding place resembled a fairy tale. The lake also considered as an “unpredictable landscape” and would be shifted to a different place, if the holiness and cleanliness is not maintained.

To the lake
The Khechiopalri Lake has been a very popular tourist destination of West Sikkim, many unusual stories and mythological beliefs were associated with the lake. Peoples, irrespective of religious belief consider it as a wish fulfilling lake and believe that lake water has, miraculous power of healing. Surrounded by the grove of upright trees, as we ambled to approach to the lake through the unstudied woodland, it was like entering into a silence zone. In the ambient of thickly dense trees, the perennial lake added an extra glamour of an unbounded vista to the vicinity of eternal composure. It was like an exploration of the vocal message of the silence or to a have a communion with the perpetual silence.

The Lake in the landscape of greenery
The gleams of the Sun were dancing on the tiny ripples of the lake water. My vision leaped afar and it was very surprising that the lake water were absolutely free from withered leaves, small colourful fishes could be seen in the water. The approach road was nicely decorated with the prayer drums, having colourful inscriptions of hymns of Buddhism. The serene surrounding of the lush greenery in the backdrop of an autumn sky created a very magical environment mystically attracted me to just sit and have communion with the silent messages of peace.

The Khechiopalri Lake
The local villagers take utmost care to keep the surrounding of the lake clean as a part of their ritual and religious practice and through such noble duties of maintaining cleanliness I felt the picturesque landscape of lush greenery has a very safe future and the positive approach of the villagers through these practices will ensure the conservation of the biodiversity. In the present age of appeasing modernization, the piece of landscape of the Khechiopalri Lake would surely stand like a symbol of exception guarded by the awe of ritualistic bindings.

8 June 2013

Experience of a natural steam bath

Bakreshwar Hot spring
I doused myself into the balmy water of the hot spring and in a trice, felt a flow of electricity, spreading through my nerve cells with superb sensation. The winsome feeling of titillate, extricated all the indolence. Sitting into the bath tub of chemically or naturally hot water, my mind filled with inexplicable delectation and effectually the enthusiasm was regained back.

Hot spring,Bakreshwar
After a long time, quit the warmth of the hot spring, and with awakened energy went to see other famous spots in the surrounding. Seven hot springs were surrounded in the area of Bakreshwar of different temperatures from swingeing to moderate hot, and the heat could be felt even at a distance. The strong odour of Sulphur gas was pervasive in the atmosphere. The bubbly water, naturally mixed with the nascent gases was said to yield medicinal effects with healing results.

The balmy water,Bakreshwar
The water of the hot spring, were made skin tolerant after few stages of cooling process. The reservoirs of visibly boiling water were actually the source of different kinds of nascent gas coming out from the deep core of the earth. A rich perennial source and a subterranean treasure of very pure Helium gas which was collected by entrapping the gas. In Chemistry, Helium is known as inert gas, due to the inertness of reacting with the other elements to form a compound. The most effective use of this inert gas is in cryogenics, this specific stream of science deals with producing very low temperature or more precisely Helium when cooled, instead of getting condensed, it turns to a super fluid, having peculiar behaviour. It was very funny to listen that the Helium gas is present in our surrounding atmosphere, but, due to high extraction cost, the gas was commercially imported by many countries to meet the necessities of its widespread uses.

The bubbly water,Bakreshwar
It has been a famous destination of pilgrimage, with rich mythological histories. Bakreshwar also renowned for the Satipith or Shaktipith, is associated with the eminent Hindu saint Ashtabakra who was said to have meditated here. In Ramayana, Ashtabakra happened to be the advisor of King Janaka of Mithila. In the premises few derelict temples could also be seen were suffered destruction in the earlier sixteenth century.

Helium collection at Bakreshwar
The approaching Sundown could visibly be noticed in the dark colour of the perennial reservoir of water adjacent to the temple and it was time to leave the place. In the total quietude of the environment, the picturesque view of the Sunset spattered my soul with numerous memorable colours and like a huge plate of lovely hue the Sun slowly went behind a banyan tree.

The imposing Sunset at Bakreshwar

2 June 2013

Nature Watch

                                     ............... “I run across hills and dales,
                                                      I wander Through nameless lands,
                                              because I am Hunting for the golden stag”..........
                 From the lines of “I hunt for the Golden stag”-Rabindranath Tagore
The road was through a moderately dense forest, my friend kept his vigil eyes on the twigs of big trees, where in a tree hole once he had an opportunity to espy a Great Indian Hornbill, was feeding the new born chicks. These birds are often seen in this forest apart from infinite varieties of common and uncommon birds. The movements could only be noticed in the sloshing stream of Teesta canal and our moving car, remaining part of our surrounding were silent and standstill, until the territory of Baikunthapur forest ended.

lone angler on our way to Gajoldoba
The landscape of forest ended and the nature unfurled the exquisite frames of countrified scenario in the backdrop of a glowing stainless sky, the widespread view of golden paddy field, lone anglers patient waiting for the catch, Gulmohor (Royal Poinciana) trees loaded with flamboyant displays, ostentatious lotus and water lily flowers in galore, very consistent yet matchless pictures to capture, for my lifetime memory.

colourful water flowers,Gajoldoba
Finally, we breathed in a place, away from all urban rumpuses. The Teesta barrage of Gajol-doba was set up to meet the basic need of irrigation. The place, surrounded by water, in the backdrop of hills and lush greenery and we started walking along the embankment of the barrage; it was like walking through the superb frames of natural landscape. The wide open and discreet scenario of landscapes away from the notice was like walking through the avenue of forgotten days. The reflections of nimbus clouds on the river Teesta, the swinging anchored fishing boats in the river waves, skittish movements of dragonfly, slowly disappearing silhouette of a fishing boat towards the horizon, in the low land covered with long grasses the roost of migratory birds. The vague pictures in fragmented frames started reuniting in mind, in the conspicuous display of widespread composure.

Fishing boat,Gajoldoba
The rain cloud brought the message of melancholy from a place far away from us, to share the sorrow the entire surrounding turned gloomy in grief. Slowly the dark shadow of the cloud turned the river water black. The evening wind brought the soothing drizzles to drench us and amidst the hypnotic environment we kept experiencing the ineffable beauties of a monsoon shower.

The hypnotic evening at gajoldoba
The place adjoining the Teesta barrage, just 25-Kms. away from the Siliguri town, is much admired by the nature lovers, for the aspirants who love to delve ocean in the droplets of water and also a unique destination for bird watching; paddling of colourful water birds from central Asia establish their migratory roost here.