22 June 2013

Visit to the Sun Temple, Konark

As I entered into the massive Sun temple complex of Konark, my mind was filled with unbounded amaze and at the same time felt very sad for viewing the remaining relics of the heavenly architecture. Through the construction of the Sun temple, studies and vast researches on astronomy, astrology, architecture, and complex mathematics were elegantly displayed with superior craftsmanship. It was more like visiting to a place for open air astronomical study and witnessing a living celestial calendar. The successful applications of such architectural marvels still spell bound the visitors, and gravitate towards the details of depictions, on stone. The world heritage site of highly prestigious Konark Sun temple, Odisha was the universe of masterpieces, and a blend of art and applied science.

Konark Sun Temple,Odisha
The images of culture, vivid impressions of dedicated researches and history could be eye witnessed in the impressive ostentation of fascinating designs and sculptures on the stones of Konark Temple of Odisha. The sea traders of this part of India had their successful trade relations with many countries of the world and the concept of constructing the Sun temple possibly arrived at Konark as a gift of the trade relations.

The spirited horse,Sun Temple,Odhisa 
Several thousand years ago the existence of the Sun temple could be traced in the History of world. The concept of the Sun temple was not unusual, in the ancient civilizations and cultural histories of many countries of the world and as well as in many parts of India, the relentless efforts and vigorous researches of astronomy ,astrology and related mathematics were reflected in these architectures. Historical evidences of the existence of Sun temple could be traced in Rajtarangini, the testimony of Kalhan of Kashmir.

Wheel of Chariot of the Sun,Konark
I kept listening to the stories of myth, constructional aspects, the significance of lions crushing the elephants at the entry gate, significance of the spirited horses of the chariot of the Sun, symbolic wheels of the chariot, and got perplexed by the expressive pictures of history and enliven visualization of culture in flawless artifacts. Every depiction of meaningful designs on the temple wall and the splendid working model of the Sun dial of Konark, were the hidden treasures of knowledge. The silent creatures would comprehensibly and accurately convey the messages of the creator. Apart from the other aspects, the Sun temple has gifted an unfathomable mileage to the Odishi art form. It was like visiting to a modern time more than eight hundred years ago.

The wheels from another angle,Konark,Odhisa
The Sun is considered as great healer and the main planet of the solar system. Marvellously engraved nine planets of the Solar system, in the form of deities were made on a single piece of stone panel and once graced the grandeur of the Sun temple, presently could be seen in a place, adjacent to the complex and were worshipped.

Seven planets of the Solar system,Konark,Odhisa
The temple has suffered numerous marks of destruction and damages of invaders and time compelled the authorities to shift the deities of Konark to a safe place and few artefacts of the Sun temple have been shifted to a museum adjacent to the temple complex. The unique architectural chariot of Sun dragged by the spirited horses was under the threat of huge load of centuries.

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