5 September 2013

In the kingdom of happiness


The hilltop looked like a crown, over the Graham`s home, Kalimpong. Yogesh pointed his finger to the top and said-that is Delo, our next destination. In a very short time through the uphill gradient of pine lined lane and after six kilometres drive, we reached Delo. Yogesh dropped us at the entry gate and on the other side; nature received us with her unique gravitation.

in the premises of nature,Delo,Kalimpong

Entered in the premises of Delo and consequently we were surrounded by the discriminating beauty of the place, nicely blending the scenic beauty with display of colours. Soothing breeze, in a crystal clear weather accompanied us as we proceeded towards the entirety of a refreshingly fabulous landscape.

Delo in a clear weather

Delo had a wonderful collection of attractive flowers of varied colours. As we were reaching to the top, in every turn the garden surprised us with her munificent display of colours. Leaning on the lap of nature, Delo is a place to laze around under the gentle warmth of Sun, amidst the virgin landscape or staying in wide exposure of nature, an ideal place to discover endless portrayal of different moods of drifting clouds on the canvas of green mountains or a place to capture the changing moods of reposed nature. The bountiful of fabulous beauty of nature surrounded Delo like a garden of heaven, the silhouette of river Teesta flowing with azure were an added beauty to the frame, where we rejoiced in witnessing the mountains, meeting with fluvial flow under sweet warmth of the Sun.


In the colours of dazzling flowers I still freshly recollect my memorable holiday in Kalimpong where I replenished my energy with the perpetual fresh fragrances of nature. Kalimpong is a place to me in the close proximity of nature just doorstep away, where drifting clouds portray many moods on the mountains, where glimpse of glamorous Kanchenjunga brighten the morning and a place to genuflect before the generosity of nature.

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