2 April 2013

....and the Sunrise at the beach

Sunrise has always been a matter of priority to me,every time, wherever I go. After reaching Puri,Odisha, I got ready to experience the Sun rise at the beach. Sun rise and Sun set can be experienced from the same point standing at the Puri beach. It was around 4.00am and little cold was perceived, the day was windy too. Without making any delay, I picked up the camera, I was afraid of missing the view of Sun rise, so I ran for the Sea beach, and was praying to God for a spectacular Sun rise.

the journey for a livelihood,Puri
Standing at the beach,experienced another scene of beauty,the fight between the stormy waves of the Bay of Bengal with few undaunted persons locally known “Nulia” or the fishermen. They also serve as Lifeguards for the tourists. The fighermen were taking their fishing boats into the Sea. They were making their way into the sea struggling with the violent waves. I could see sometimes their boat was getting almost vertical up by the thrust of the waves and sometimes getting hidden on the other side of high waves. I remained spellbound while watching them sailing towards their destination.

 men at work,Puri
It was a team work,some of them gone in a boat in the Sea and some stayed at the beach holding the rope of the fishing net tied at the boat.

waiting for the catch,Puri beach
After the boat reached at certain spot, the fishermen on the boat started spreading their fishing net,and the men at the shore started pulling the other end of the rope of fishing net,and slowly the net with the catch was brought out of the water. I saw them catching fish that way at-least twice before the Sun rise.

team members of the fishermen,Puri
The tourists were getting gathered for having a look of the fish on their stroll at the beach,some of them were buying too.

the catch at Puri beach
They were selling the fish at the beach in a peculiar way,they filled one side of their weighing beam balance with sand and other side they weighed fishes.

beam balance at the Puri beach
Finally saw the Sun rise,it was fantastic,the sea started glowing in goldden colour with the ascending Sun of the morning. The light started filling the surrounding,the warmth of the Sun took away the cold of the early morning and the crowd that gathered to watch the fishes, slowly got dispersed.

the sun rise at Puri
Enjoyed watching the Sun rise, that appeared from the heart of Bay of Bengal. But, It was more charming to watch the daredevil fishermen, challenging the turbulent sea for their livelihood.The Sun rise was definitely spectacular but,watching the Nulias and their daily routined fight for life was even more spectacular.

life guards of Puri
How to reach:Puri,is well connected by Rail and Road,with all the parts of rest of India.Puri can be reached by direct trains or trains to Bhubaneswar can be availed,and Puri can be reached by road or rail from Bhubaneswar.Website of Indian rail indianrail.gov.in can be visited for details.

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